My take on anarcho-communism
Hierarchical systems such as capitalism can't maintain itself for long and will eventually crumble to dust just like feudalism did.
These systems always had one main goal and that is to serve the top 1% (bourgeoisie) meanwhile the workers suffer.
These systems are exceptionally harmful to women and minorities, since they are viewed as "untermensch", hierarchy is inherently hateful and mysgonist.
Most governments are hierarchical and centralized in power therefore the concept of them should be abolished. True democracy is direct democracy with a decentralized system. Labor unions, workers committee and politburo should exercise power in a decentralized manner.
Private property
Private property should be abolished and it should be owned by the collective. Its important to mention that personal property (such as your house or your mobile phone) will remain yours. Many people confuse personal property with private property.
Hierarchical systems wants you to be a wageslave and live month to month and its tool to achieve it is money, therefore it should be abolished. There should be a free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Criminal justice system
Poverty caused by capitalism is the main source of criminal activities, therefore an anarcho-communist society should see a drop in crime rates by default. If a crime does occur the focus should be on rehabilitation and not on punishment.
The main focus of big tech is not innovation and they make laughable efforts to make the world a better place. All they care about is profit, to sell you the same phone with minor changes every year, to steal all of your data and sell it to the highest bidder.
The open source and free software movements are the future. Anyone can run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software they make. Open hardware is getting more popular as well, a prime example is RISC-V.